
This is blog of Huang Yu'an

Ray Notes

ray source code notes - storage

Ray notes - Storage [toc] How to get value according to ray.get(objectID)? worker = global_worker values = worker.get_objects(object_ids, timeout=timeout) in Worker::get_objects() ...

Ray Notes

ray source code notes - execute

Ray notes - Execute [toc] Important Data Structures CoreWorker Plasma_store Raylet Redis How CoreWorker execute each task really? a worker run main_loop will receive and execute task...

Ray Notes

ray source code notes - submit

Ray notes - Submit [toc] What ray.init() does? if driver_mode == LOCAL_MODE # in python/ray/worker.py _global_node = ray.node.LocalNode() else if redis_address is None, start a n...

Fix OS Boot when Suffering Bad Sector

My experience of fix my three-operate system by moving efi partition from bad sector

原因 前几天因为Manjaro系统在安装某个包的时候卡住了,点关机按钮也没有用,于是就长按电源键强制关机了,结果就GG了,再开机时屏幕显示找不到设备,请在硬盘上安装操作系统。最终折腾了一天,总算是把系统恢复了,特此记录一下。 出现系统无法进入的情况后直接想到的就是引导坏了,查看启动方式,果然连硬盘都检测不到了。按F2进行检查,内存检测通过,但硬盘短时检测fail, 在网上搜索解决方案时...