Ray Notes

ray source code notes - storage

Posted by Huang Yu'an on February 11, 2020

Ray notes - Storage


How to get value according to ray.get(objectID)?

    worker = global_worker
    values = worker.get_objects(object_ids, timeout=timeout)

in Worker::get_objects()

     data_metadata_pairs = self.core_worker.get_objects(
            object_ids, self.current_task_id, timeout_ms)
     return self.deserialize_objects(data_metadata_pairs, object_ids)

How to put value according, ray.put()?

object_id = worker.put_object(value)

if not weakref and not worker.mode == LOCAL_MODE:
return object_id

in Worker::put_object(),

   def put_object(self, value, object_id=None):
        serialized_value = self.get_serialization_context().serialize(value)
        return self.core_worker.put_serialized_object(
            serialized_value, object_id=object_id)

Where are value/reference of objects stored?

  1. open a space to store the new data and test if this object_id data has been created, if yet, do nothing and report it.
            CObjectID c_object_id
            shared_ptr[CBuffer] data
            shared_ptr[CBuffer] metadata
        metadata = string_to_buffer(serialized_object.metadata)
        total_bytes = serialized_object.total_bytes
        object_already_exists = self._create_put_buffer(
            metadata, total_bytes, object_id, &c_object_id, &data)

Using the Plasma In-Memory Object Store from C++.

/* in src/ray/core_worker/store_provider/plasma_store_provider.cc:55 */    

Status CoreWorkerPlasmaStoreProvider::Create(const std::shared_ptr<Buffer> &metadata,
                                             const size_t data_size,
                                             const ObjectID &object_id,
                                             std::shared_ptr<Buffer> *data) {
    arrow::Status status =
        store_client_.Create(plasma_id, data_size, metadata ? metadata->Data() : nullptr,
                             metadata ? metadata->Size() : 0, &arrow_buffer);
  1. If it is new object, after allocate a new place, write the serialized data to it, then call Seal() to make it immutable.
if not object_already_exists:
            write_serialized_object(serialized_object, data)
            with nogil:
        return ObjectID(c_object_id.Binary())

  1. Finally return the object id.

Where Global Control Store (GCS) stored in? One machine (head) or multiple?

Distributed in : src/ray/gcs)/redis_gcs_client.h::gcs::RedisGcsClient

How Object Table, Task Table, Function Table implement in GCS?

The RedisGcsClient class:

namespace ray {

namespace gcs {

class RedisContext;

class RAY_EXPORT RedisGcsClient : public GcsClient {
  /// Constructor of RedisGcsClient.
  /// Connect() must be called(and return ok) before you call any other methods.
  /// TODO(micafan) To read and write from the GCS tables requires a further
  /// call to Connect() to the client table. Will fix this in next pr.
  /// \param options Options of this client, e.g. server address, password and so on.
  RedisGcsClient(const GcsClientOptions &options);

  Status Connect(boost::asio::io_service &io_service) override;

  /// Disconnect with GCS Service. Non-thread safe.
  void Disconnect() override;

  /// Returns debug string for class.
  /// \return string.
  std::string DebugString() const override;

  /// The following xxx_table methods implement the Accessor interfaces.
  /// Implements the Actors() interface.
  ActorTable &actor_table();
  ActorCheckpointTable &actor_checkpoint_table();
  ActorCheckpointIdTable &actor_checkpoint_id_table();
  /// Implements the Jobs() interface.
  JobTable &job_table();
  /// Implements the Objects() interface.
  ObjectTable &object_table();
  /// Implements the Nodes() interface.
  ClientTable &client_table();
  HeartbeatTable &heartbeat_table();
  HeartbeatBatchTable &heartbeat_batch_table();
  DynamicResourceTable &resource_table();
  /// Implements the Tasks() interface.
  raylet::TaskTable &raylet_task_table();
  TaskLeaseTable &task_lease_table();
  TaskReconstructionLog &task_reconstruction_log();
  /// Implements the Errors() interface.
  // TODO: Some API for getting the error on the driver
  ErrorTable &error_table();
  /// Implements the Stats() interface.
  ProfileTable &profile_table();
  /// Implements the Workers() interface.
  WorkerFailureTable &worker_failure_table();